Monday, September 13, 2010

Puzzle Pieces

Wow it has been a crazy month!!!
RA training was epic, soo much fun, however I am also very happy that its over, and that the school year is upon me.  At first I was skeptical to come into an 80 person, all girls floor, but now it doesn't seem too bad. Actually it is looking quite pleasant.  All the girls so far get along, they are all super nice and they don't have any problems coming up and saying hi, or starting a huge conversation lol.

Life has decided to throw me a few curve balls in the past few weeks.  I don't know when I all of a sudden became this person that always has the attention of some guy, but I'm not sure I enjoy it.  Ok, that may have been partly a lie, because who doesn't enjoy the attention of a guy, or girl...for whatever the case.  But, to have the attention of multiple at the same time is just stressful.  I do think that I handled the situation well, because now I am dating one of these boys, and out of them all I think I picked a good one.  Finally I feel I picked a good boy for me....what is this world coming to?? When i decide to pick a "good boy", then you know something is wrong with the world!! LOL

I missed my friends so much over the summer, that it is almost surreal that I am now back with them.  Having them here with me during training, welcome week, and now for the rest of the school year, has made me so happy.  I am seriously considering not going home next summer, mainly because I don't really like the life in the bay, but also, the friends I have hear are totally worth sticking around for!!

The only sad thing about the past month, and what is going to continue to be sad for the next few months, is that I miss my mom a lot.  I hate being away from her for so long, although I feel it strengthens the both of us, but it makes it so hard not being able to see her or talk to her every day. Especially when I get kicked in the face!! lol.  But seriously, I wish she knew how to skype or use msn video chat or something, maybe i will have to teach her or get somebody back home to teach her for me.

Anyway its looking like class is about to begin.  Until next time.