Monday, May 10, 2010

craving something new

One day a girl moves away to a far off city. The girl lives there for 8 months and longs to be back at home with her friends and family. When the day finally came that the girl was able to go home she found herself sad, and wondering if she was making the right move. All her life she thought that she was supposed to stay in the city that her home was, start her life and grow old there, but things were different....she felt different. Her life at home had changed before she left and she realized that being away from that change helped her get over the bad things that had occurred. She herself had changed when she left and she liked the new her, when she came back home she didn't feel happy anymore. The girl felt that she was in a fairytale and was ripped away to live in solitary, but not complete solitary, she was in a place where all the bad was pushed upon her in ways she didn't feel safe. She found herself crying every night, and pretending that there were shooting stars as she would make a wish on an airplane in the night sky. A wish to leave, to get out, to finally be happy again. Her wish would not be granted right away as the girl knew that she needed to wait. She needed to wait a few short months and then when she would be able to leave again it would be for the last time. She would be going to the far off city where she felt alive, whole, real, and happy again. She would be going to a place where all the bad things couldn't follow her and only happiness and life were awaiting her. A few short months and it would all be over. The girl went to bed that night and prayed that she would be able to survive the short months she needed to wait, for it would be such a shame if it only took a few short months to bring that girl her end.

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